Thursday, March 25, 2010
:: sedarkah ?? ::
sedar tak sedar rupe2 nye da 3 minggu aku jadi student sem 4 sesi 2010 ni.he3
sedar tak sedar da bertimbun2 nota2 yang bertangguh,menunggu untuk dibaca
sedar tak sedar jumaat akan tibe lagi esok hari
sedar tak sedar tanggal 8april semakin menghampiri
sedar tak sedar 27mac lagi awl dari 8april
sedar ..*berapa banyak sedar la~~~*
ye..aku sedar aku sedang membosankan anda..:P~~
motif post :
1. menyedarkan tuan blog bahawa exam sudah hampir..8 april la incik plankton..
bile nak stat bace buku??
2. saje nak cakap saya dan seisi warga alex bakal ber- PINDAH U tanggal 27 mac ni...
p/s : nk tengok u baru?tunggu~~
masih separuh sedar,namun tetap kacak,
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
::should i ?? ::
inside me
there's an untold story
should i tell it??
beneath me
there's an unfulfilled dream
should i fulfill it?
in me
there's someone i don't know
should i ignore her?
i lost myself
in the middle of no where
just by asking...should i ...should i
there's too much i want
too much to achieve
too much to do
too much i wish
too much i wish
should i be that greedy?
i do want to tell....
i do want to tell....
but i'm too afraid
think i'm not fully prepared
should i prepare myself?
Monday, March 22, 2010
:: i just don't understand ::
my feelings
the most complex puzzle
i've ever knew
even how hard i try
it just remains to be solve
HIM the one who knows everything
Thursday, March 18, 2010
:: Omedetou Gozaimasu ::
omedatou gozeimasu~
Qu Ni sheng RI kuai le~
sanna helwa ya gamillah~
saeng il chuk ha ham nida~
'Buk' (bunyi kena baling kasut) ... he3 tu la pasal incik plankton, sape ajar pagi2 hari da buat bising...len kali tunggu la petang dulu..:P~
ok baiklah, tinggalkan cite pasal jerit menjerit , bising membising mahupon kasut memasut (nota kaki: penggunaan BM yang salah sila jangan gunakan dalam esei BM kamu...sebarang penyalahgunaan atas risiko individu , harap maklum :P~). haih~ incik plankton..taip post tanpa melalut boleh?? maaf2*buat muka comel:P~*
*teet* sound effect siaran tv takde transition
back to the MAIN TOPIC... 'happy birthday'
hari neyh tetibe rase nak wat post b'day untuk march babies
mereka2 neyh banyak sangat tolong incik plankton neyh taw~
diorang neyh bukan jew my bros/sis
diorang juga cikgu yang banyak membentuk aku
diorang teman gaduh aku
diorang diari tempat aku share semua benda
happy ke sedih ke..semua dengan diorang
korang nampak tak betapa watak2 diorang mmemaenkan peranan penting dalam kisah hidup aku seorang plankton (chewah~~)
nampak x?
xnampak lagi..pas neyh p check mata k..he3
secara summary -nya..diorang neyh boleh la di label kan the bittersweet part of me.(he3.ayat macam orang dilamun cinta ..btw diorang memang cinta hati saya pon..:D~~ mean it!!)
let me intro them to u guys
klo u guys nak ngorat i kene ngorat diorang dulu taw..wakaka:
1. the twins (12march)
nicks: abang & iem
status: single
obsesi: games, games, games, games and games
untuk u olls punyer information, the 3 heroes (including the youngest) neyh la yang banyak menghiruk pikuk meriuh rendah dan meriang ria kan rumah kitorang (sebenarnya rumah ayah i sorang jew..kitorang xpenah bayar pape pon kan..xde dalam sher pon :P~).
klo xde diorang kat rumah (pegi kem, asrama etc) memang sunyi taw rumah,cam kat padang pasir ja sunyinya..kui3
klo pi jejalan xde diorang memang kurang best la, agak boring sebab diorang neyh ada jew telatah yang buat kitorang tak kering gusi.
betol tak along??betol kan..kan?
positive side:
diorang ada semangat yang tinggi klo wat something yang diorang suke.determined sangat2.diorang jugak sangat kretif.dan yang paling penting , diorang boleh buatkan korang makin lame makin sayang ngan diorang..klo nak marah kat diorang pon xkan lame2 punyer..caye la..coz ade jew yang diorang buat akan mencuit hati korang~
tapi yang tak berapa nak positif nya:
nape diorang sangat minat pada games jew?
nape x pada subjek addmath?english?etc?
apa yang saya blaja dari mereka:
1. jual mahal selagi umur masih mude
diorang neyh nak kata kacak..kacak incik planktn lagi..tapi yang herannya ramai gak peminat diorang neyh..incik plankton pon xde peminat cam diorang.
rase cam nak tanya jew cik peminat (lawak nama orang tuh jew peminat) ,ape yang korang tgk kat diorang neyh?he3*ayat jeles~*
tapi even ada yang confess diorang still single dan cik plankton pon nak stay single jugak la..da sampai mase baru la start mingle memingle~~he3
2. jangan obses
diorang neyh walaupon single diorang still layan jew r mane2 awek yang anta2 mesej ke ape~~
satu hari ,incik plankton tanya kat diorang
"asal xminat pompuan tuh, cute ape~"
ngan muke control macho diorang jawab
"tak nak la, die obses"
incik planton--> (*,@")~~
3. usaha tangga kejayaan
diorang neyh dari kecik2 dulu suke masak
ingat lagi , masakan diorang semua rasa ada
kenkadang rase cam awful, kenkadang boleh la dimakan
tapi sekarang, masakan diorang lagi bes dari incik plankton..
nyesal tak blaja masak time muda2 dulu~
2. the gorgeous (18 march)
nicks: angah
status: married
obsesi:*fill in the blank*
die neyh akak aku yang paling cun la agaknya,sebab die banyak warisi traits gojes dari parents aku yang lovely2~.hidung mancung, bibir nipis, gigi cantik dan tersusun rapi, lesung pipit yang agak mahal disitu,tinggi lampai dan yang paling penting kulit putih yang sangat FLAWLESS(most of my sista does) yang mengherankan incik plankton die da la tak pernah pakai produk penjagaan muka, clenser , toner , moisterizer segala bagai...haih~
sebab tuh agak playgirl time mude2..tapi sekarang cinta pada si hubby jew la
positive side:
agak lembut , tak kedekut (dalam family kitorang incik plankton jew yang agak kedekut) , penyayang, sangat suke kanak2, kanak2 pon suke die (sgt kontra ngan incik plankton), agak kretif
tapi yang tak berapa nak positif nya:
agak keras kepala :P~
apa yang saya blaja dari mereka:
1. jangan terlampau seius b'couple
sebab cinta sebelum kawen neyh peratusan cinta ko ditinggalkan agak tinggi. so suke ala carte jew r
2. jangan jadi playgirl
sebab kemungkinan besar korang akan mengalami dilemma ntok memilih which guy yang seswai dijadikan laki. penghabisannya korang kawen jew ngan somebody yang tak termasuk pon lam senarai pak we.. spare part.. kawan tapi mesra korang
that's why la incik plankton memilih ntok single buat masa sekarang.t xyah susah2 nak memilih,suruh mak jew pilih..:P~
3. jangan mix up pelajaran ngan personal life
*tiada huraian*
erm banyak gie actually yang aku blaja p rase agak mengantuk so neyh jew r yang dapat aku share~~
3. the eldest
#coming soon~#
1. this post is specially dedicated to my 2nd sister and the twins~ which I know will not read this post coz I never invite them to view this blog and maybe they don't even know that I actually own a blog (T,T) ~
2. This morning I got chance to ym and wish her birthday, she request for a birthday present... BIRTHDAY PRESENT!!! Honestly, I never give birthday present to anyone before coz I'm too stingy not that good in selecting a gift.
3. Feel like I wanna buy them something but don't know what...can someone helps me? please... sape nak temankan aku shopping?? tak pon suggest something yang suitable and affordable ...
OH! so random~
serasanye neyh la post paling panjang sepanjang incik plankton berkecimpung ngan dunia blog neyh kan..pas neyh nak wat post yang panjang2 lagi la..kasi korang muak nak baca blog neyh.pastu da xde orang nak bace blog neyh da..T_T~~
btw ada gie ke sape2 yang bace blog neyh ?
*no reply*
HELLO~ (loudest) hello..hello..hello siap ada effect echo lagi..wahaha
*silent and silent*
hu2 memang sunyi sepi xde orang la blog nie,klo cam neyh nak deact r pas neyh *kunun2 majuk..wahaha~~*
p/s:untuk baby yg lahir 31 march..story anda ntok post yg akan datang..:D~~
Sunday, March 14, 2010
: Raisins~~:
Raisins never a strange snack for krusty krabians, Instead, it was our routine snack.
if u guys have a chance to visit KK u'll see raisins almost everywhere in this house, of cause toilet is exception la~
who ever know how they look, but very little know how they benefits us~
if u guys have a chance to visit KK u'll see raisins almost everywhere in this house, of cause toilet is exception la~
who ever know how they look, but very little know how they benefits us~
Sweet and sludgy, squishy yet yummy, raisins are the unannounced heroes of healthy eating…
It's a top antioxidant!
This means that it'll help you keep your blood clean by getting rid of impurities. It'll also work against aging!
No wonder we look so... young! wahahah~~
awet muda..:P~
It's a great source of energy!It is almost 70 percent pure fructose. This makes it easily absorbed by the body. It is also high in calories for that burst of energy but it has virtually no fat content!
These kinds of food also provide high calories...but also high fat too~~
It is high in fibre!So this means it'll make a good snack because it'll fill you up and satisfy your sugar cravings. Plus it'll keep your digestive system in tip-top shape.
Opt fruit which high fibre content
It's good for your bones!Raisins are high in calcium so it'll help you build and maintain strong bones. This will lower your risk of osteoporosis in the later years.
But it never means that u can skip your daily milk intake. Or u may develop lactase incompetence
maybe next post I should share with you on how olive benefits us. Till then...da~~
Sharing never a waste,
Friday, March 12, 2010
Berita Harian Online | Kenyir pernah dilanda gempa
Pelepasan gas tektonik antara punca
KUALA LUMPUR: Gempa bumi lemah yang berlaku di Empangan Kenyir kelmarin mungkin berkait dengan kejadian yang sama di kawasan itu lebih 20 tahun lalu atau disebabkan proses pelepasan gas tektonik.
Pengarah Bahagian Geofizik dan Tsunami Jabatan Meteorologi Malaysia, Dr Rosaidi Che Abas, berkata Kenyir pernah dilanda gempa bumi dengan kekuatan 4.6 pada skala Richter sekitar 1980-an ketika proses pengisian air empangan itu.
Kelmarin, satu gempa bumi berukuran 2.6 pada skala Richter berlaku di situ, berpusat 43 kilometer barat daya Kuala Terengganu dan 22 kilometer barat Kuala Berang, Terengganu. “Gempa bumi yang berlaku semalam mempunyai dua kemungkinan, sama ada disebabkan kejadian empangan 20 tahun lepas, ataupun proses pelepasan gas tektonik dari garis sesar atau garisan gempa bumi Terengganu,” katanya ketika dihubungi Bernama semalam.
“Kes kelmarin adalah kes pertama selepas tahun 80-an, dan kita akan bekerjasama dengan Jabatan Mineral dan Geosains (JMG) bagi mengenal pasti punca kejadian kelmarin,” katanya.
Rosaidi berkata, orang ramai tidak perlu bimbang kerana gempa bumi berskala 2.6 dianggap lemah. – Bernama"
Pelepasan gas tektonik antara punca
KUALA LUMPUR: Gempa bumi lemah yang berlaku di Empangan Kenyir kelmarin mungkin berkait dengan kejadian yang sama di kawasan itu lebih 20 tahun lalu atau disebabkan proses pelepasan gas tektonik.
Pengarah Bahagian Geofizik dan Tsunami Jabatan Meteorologi Malaysia, Dr Rosaidi Che Abas, berkata Kenyir pernah dilanda gempa bumi dengan kekuatan 4.6 pada skala Richter sekitar 1980-an ketika proses pengisian air empangan itu.
Kelmarin, satu gempa bumi berukuran 2.6 pada skala Richter berlaku di situ, berpusat 43 kilometer barat daya Kuala Terengganu dan 22 kilometer barat Kuala Berang, Terengganu. “Gempa bumi yang berlaku semalam mempunyai dua kemungkinan, sama ada disebabkan kejadian empangan 20 tahun lepas, ataupun proses pelepasan gas tektonik dari garis sesar atau garisan gempa bumi Terengganu,” katanya ketika dihubungi Bernama semalam.
“Kes kelmarin adalah kes pertama selepas tahun 80-an, dan kita akan bekerjasama dengan Jabatan Mineral dan Geosains (JMG) bagi mengenal pasti punca kejadian kelmarin,” katanya.
Rosaidi berkata, orang ramai tidak perlu bimbang kerana gempa bumi berskala 2.6 dianggap lemah. – Bernama"
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Medicine no longer route to riches, says MMA
KUALA LUMPUR, March 8 — Malaysian parents have the notion that the medical profession is the route to riches, but the country’s premier organisation reperesenting doctors, the Malaysian Medical Association (MMA), begs to differ.
In an editorial in its latest issue of the News Bulletin, Berita MMA, its editor, Dr Kuljit Singh, said: “The medical profession in the country today seems to have a bleak future as far as monetary gain is concerned.
“We have seen the income of the general practitioner in some parts of the country dwindling and even specialists in some private hospitals seem to struggle.”
He attributed this to the high number of medical colleges and the increase in number of new medical graduates entering the profession.
At present there are more than 25 medical colleges in the country which are expected to produce about 4000 doctors annually within the next few years.
Dr Kuljit Singh said the MMA was concerned with this development because there was a shortage of places for clinical training for these students.
“Almost all major hospitals in the country have affiliated medical colleges and some hospitals even cater to more than one medical university.
“So, what sort of clinical training could these students get?” he said.
He called on the government to pull the plug immediately on the mushrooming of colleges so as not to weaken the healthcare delivery system in the near future.
He said that in developing countries the criteria for medical school entrance qualification and selection were extremely rigid, resulting in the decline of medical graduates.
“However, in Malaysia, we would advocate a balance between the correct number of quality medical graduates and high standards of healthcare to fulfill the needs our country as we progress,” he added. — Bernama
source: the malaysian insider
Monday, March 8, 2010
::loss weight~~::
Just now I had done some blog walking activity and I got this info from one of the blog * can't remember which blog*.it's about how to become slim and slender like a stewardess. As we know personality is one of the important aspect to become a stewardess , a proper diet is a must… one of the diet regiment is like this one that I attach here~~
The Stewardess Diet
The Stewardess Diet is a diet supposedly made popular by flight attendants. The plan works by combining certain foods which create a chemical reaction that boosts the metabolism and helps you lose weight.
- Eat half of a grapefruit with every meal. Grapefruit is high in fiber and will help you feel full longer.
- Strictly follow the Stewardess Diet plan. Many people do not eat all of the foods that they are supposed to eat or they do not eat the right amount.
- Do not add any sweeteners or consume presweetened products. It is likely that you will lose a lot more weight when you opt for unsweetened varieties and do not add creamer or sugar.
- Opt for fresh vegetables.
- Know what foods you cannot eat while on the Stewardess Diet. Some of these foods include rice, noodles, potatoes, corn, carrots, peas, potato chips, fruit and salad dressing. If you eat any of the foods which you are not allowed to have, it will prevent you from losing the maximum amount of weight that you could possibly lose.
- Drink at least eight 8-oz. glasses of water daily. You are allowed to have other drinks, such as tea or coffee, while you are on this diet. However, it is best to limit your intake of all fluids except for water.
Refer to number 5, no rice , noodles ,potatoes..blaa..blaa… hiush, did u lose your mind?? Totally expel those things from my meal.. I repeat, totally was a big NO-NO for me. seriously, perot melayu kot saye neyh.. makan la 10 kilo kebab,12 kilo steak atau yang sama waktu selagi blom dapat nasi confirm tak kenyang..hu3~~. I think I rather become not very slim and slender :P~~
tanggal 31..bln 8..57.. heh, bukan la korang, belum sampai seru waktunya lagi untok post tu..postpone lain kali.. erm bulan 8 lambat lagi sekarang aku nak story morry ngan korang pasal pengalaman aku selaku jejaka kacak menjadi musyrif untuk awek2 sweet pi berkelah di tempat yang aman dan damai , amat sesuai untuk me-release 2 stress apatah lagi untuk ber- dating ,mamoura baru2 ini,tanggal 3/3/2010.
picnic yang dirancang bermula seawal jam 9 pagi gagal dilaksanakan atas sebab2 yang tak dapat dielakkan.aku bangun lewat la korang..haih~~tuh pon nak suruh aku cite ke?
antara awek sweet yang turut serta;
2)mak cik
3)mok cik
5) patrick
diiringi aku,plankton yang kacak selaku musyrif.:P~~
tugas aku agak mencabar kerana terpaksa menghabiskan makanan yang cukup untuk menjamu 18 orang tetamu ke majlis doa selamat mahupun sambutan hari lahir.mujurlah makanan semuanya lazat2 bertepatan dengan selera jejaka kacak seperti aku, nyaris2 aku jatuh cinta dengan masakan diorang neyh,bak kate omputih
'stomach connect the heart'~~he3. Antara juadah kitorang pada hari tu ialah, bihun s'pore (mok cik) , karipap ( berjemaah ) , agar2 (squidward ) , sardine roll (Patrick ), susu juhaynah(ini juadah kah?) dan lain2 (lupa da aku~~).
setelah berjaya menggagalkan plan diet masing2, kitorang berbasikal la pulak,konon2 nak cover balik program diet (padahal makan over2 la banyaknya~~tak ter-cover pon~~).
ok sudah la...penat da aku merepek,layan aje gamba2 di bawah~~
before makan of coz la kene cari port best~~
sambil cari port kite posing jap~
ok~~port neyh macam best jew~~
kan da cakap makanan untuk 16 orang,karipap saje da 50 biji~~
tuang jangan tak tuang~~
tangan kanak2 pro DOTA
before cycling pon nak snap~~
haih~~banyak tol cam..
pak cik arab neyh~~bini ade sebelah pon ada hati nak jeling2 kat kitorang
sesudah penat cycling pon harus snap juga
makan sudah..cycling pon sudah..balik la~~tunggu apa lagi~~
sedang asyik2 cycling tetibe terserempak dengan 'kekasih gelap-ku' yang tak berapa gelap
huish~~kau yang rupawan..bilakah kita bisa bersatu~~~
musyrif korang,
Saturday, March 6, 2010
::dulu single, kini mingle::
He3..cuba cakap apa dalam kepala otak korang bila baca title neyh??untuk makluman korang, post kali ini tiada unsur skandal mahupon gossip ok~~ape??bosan??heh..korang neyh..bergossip jew taw~~:P~~ jejqka swit kanak2 digimon macam aku ni mane la ada masa untuk skandal2..
Ok la..berbalik pada topik asal,bak kata orang siam bek tu de point *back to the point la~~*
Sebenarnya aku nak cite dengan korang aku da pindah bilik sekarang~~hu3..
Hari ni genap sehari aku jadi roomate kepada suzilaton akma a.k.a sue.agak best la jugak dok bilik neyh,xde la lonely2 sangat macam dok sorang2 kan.aku rase dok berdua neyh not bad la, two is better than one la katekn~~he3.ape advantage -nya?? Banyak la korang~~antaranya, masa lebih terjaga sebab time lagho2 kawan boleh tegur.."plankton,hang bila nak study?asik ngadap marka *merujuk pada ms.lappy * hang ja", disamping itu*skema la pulak* , berat badan juga agak terkawal, aku tataw la orang len cam mana,tapi kalo aku..dok sorang2,tendency ntok mengunyah lagi tinggi,mungkin sebab bile dok sorang2 xleh nak gossip2 so dok jew la diam2 sambil makan syibsyi.Alhamdulillah projek terbengkalai pindah randah kitorang berjalan dengan jayanya, bilik study juga sudah siap dikemas. Rasa sangat excited mau start skolah , *adat la tu kan~~*hangat2 tahi ayam.Cuma sekarang tengah tunggu jadual sekolah..bile mau keluar??esok da start sekola tapi jadual xde..haih~~arab2~~(-_-")..sabar je la ye wargaemas alex.Nak tengok x susunan rumah kitorang yang ter-latest?ape?xmau..arghh xkesah..nak tunjuk jugak~~


That's so random..*sila baca dengan nada iklan that's so raven*
Tadi sempat aku godek2 cam una , tetibe mate aku tertangkap pic2 kitorang jejalan time cuti eid adha (cairo-mansurah-cairo trip)..disebabkan xmo memberatkan ms. Lappy, aku tempek jew r pic2 tu kat sni kan~~
kitorang jarang sekali ambik gamba yang ada kerja~~
mrs.puff turut joint venture
tak paham nape muke aku asik sleepy..haih~
di mansurah
after solat raye.muka berseri2 diorang n..cahaya keimanan kot.kui3
tiada motif
jalan2 di city central
nie pe cer kat city central pon leh sesat?hihik~~
kawan2 mansurah
before nek boat
suke sangat amek gamba bawah lampu oren..nampak maskulin gituw~~wahaha
una nampak comel klo xpakai spek kn?
lampu oren lagi
atas boat sdh~~
aku ngantuk sudah time nie~
myn +wahidah,kanak2 mansurah
kanak2 alex jakun ngan rooftop
wif hanna banana~vanue:mansurah univ
Thursday, March 4, 2010
It has been so long since my last post, I suddenly miss to left some footprint on my own blog.
I have to admit that my blog is quite slow , that is one of the reasons I set it private, so that no one will torture me on how slow my blog grows. But I can't help it since I am very lazy to update it (guess I need to find someone to help me with all these updates stuff ..hu3~~)
he3 how coward I am right? But it really doesn't matter cause I don't really take this blog as a blog, it is actually my memories archives~~
I'm an absent minded person (sometimes or maybe most of the times .. :D~~) ,the only way I can save the memories which I found should be 'memorable' is by leaving it here since I have no diary, moreover this blog help me to kept some photos since I can't save too much photos in my dearest lappy.
Ok , its enough with all bla..bla…bla.. (mumble as I always do~~).since I'm in the mood of writing (I guess so~~), let me just simply update~~
Briefly about what's going on jan and feb.
Jan and feb is 'quite busy' months ever .. as the exam is just around the corner (who teach you to study last minutes~~~ serve your right miss plankton).Birthday updates:
5/1 my beloved dad (remember the most)
15/1 awanian buddy, amira (did leave a birthday note on facebook)
16/1 my sweet kak cah (sms only~)
5/2 dearest friend,bie(unfortunately we can't celebrate it since we have histo paper on the next day.)
15/2 iman
16/2 yatie
Few other friends that I attend their birthday party..kimah(they serve choc cake from delight +kfc + mee bandung +pudding roti+fruits) and iylia (serve ice cream cake[I like it so much] +cheese cupcakes + orange + mee kari [delicious!!])
During the exam:
1. As usual .. busy (not really.ha3)
2. Kak na have lost her dearest mom(al fatihah~).We got lots of visitors , our colleagues and seniors, to leave the condolence words at the same time lend us some strength to face this exam month and sharing some tips and stories.
After the exam month:
Holiday~~ of coz!!
- Window shopping at green plaza and zahran mall (immediately after the exam)
- Forum cintaku cintamu (don't take a wrong picture, it's a maulidur rasul forum..ok!)
- Sinai explorer trip (I'll update the picture later~)
- Cycling with una , sarah , su , amirah and amalina at mamoura (never know cycling is so much fun~~ pictures will be coming soon~~)
- Shift room..i'll having a roommate soon~~(given name suzilaton,just call her sue) :D~~
Ooops..guess I should be going now ,I have to pack my stuff and transfer it to sue's room.da~~~salam.
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