Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Sunday, December 19, 2010

errr xsempat nak upload gambar iftar jama'ii psal makanan da abes b4 sempat kuarkan camera~~ juadah agak bes~ha3..laksa, sardin roll, creal caremel strawberry dll..banyak sangat..

'bout contest..xsmpat nak join..


Thursday, December 16, 2010

salam ollz

just a short update..saje gegatal nak type padehal xde pape pon yg nak cite..actually tengah pening2 lalat ni..pasal men wedding dash (ha3..aktivity x produktif lak)...

saje nak cakap..
tadi jumpe resepi laksa serawak 
kat blog ni..

OMG..nampak cam sedap je..


*the end*

p/s: hari ni iftar jama'i ada laksa penang kateny..ok la tu kan~alhamdulillah,,
p/s/s:dapat tag dr nik ntok join contest..akan dibuat klo ada free

coming up next~~(klo free)

1) gamba iftar jama'ii 
2) contest header 

Monday, December 13, 2010

:: working on morphine ::

salam ollz

hari ni plankton berjaya bangun pada waktu yang agak comel~~2.22..tros snap pic..ha3..excited plak..
mmg right in the moment btol..hu3

semua nya gara2 assigment
'central action of morphine'
mula2..ingat senang kot nak cari kat tenet..sekali susah la plak..seb bek hosmet IP bnyk buku references..
so,bergelumang la IP dengan semua buku2 tu(5 je pon sebenarnye..he3)..lippincott's la..rang and drake's la..
punya la bertungkus lumus nak siapkan sambil dengar lagu band morphine
da kol 7 baru siap word
PPT blm bt lagi..cepat2 mintak pinjam netbook una
sambung kerja kat lam klas coz pagi tu ada PBL..
sampai2 kat kelas (tyme ni da bt 20% PPT)
sekali diorang cakap xde presentation hari ni..
DANG**ceit~semangat je kekalut tadi
sekali xde la pulak
tp alang2 da bt..IP siapkan tros..yess!!!
omwork da siap~

1)special sense system akan mula esk

2)exam terdekat:
   -patho practical exam  : khamis
    -midterm pharma & commed :sabtu
*solehah work hard plis~*

P/s: morphine is a very dangerous drug.don't simply take it without any indication.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

::welcome winter::

salam ollz..

setelah sekian lama menanti..akhirnya winter gak bumi mesir ni..tapi tyme exam la  tak pe .. bersyukur..tapi kat sini tak de r macam pelusuk dunia yang lain..ade salji..sini ade hujan batu je..tapi bersyukur gak r..tak de r sejuk sangat..sekarang pon da rase cam sejuk..klo ade salji alamat nye...hu3..

sekarang baru jam 12.26 pm tapi macam2 da berlaku..hu3..
ok~~tak perlu diulas..he3

update about neuroscience paper tadi..
1 je komen
macam mane neurosurgeon study??
sile mane2 neurosurgeon di malaysia atau di mana2 jawab..he3
mase kitorang study ntok this paper 
punye la macam nazak jugak
even ade 4 subjects je
ntok this integrated exam
my friend said,
'patotla BANYAK neurosurgeon kat malaysia'
ni bru level first degree
ni klo ntok level specialist n sub specialist 
2% je kot..
2 %!!! ok~~ macam hiperbola plak kan
tapi..what ever it is
harap2 oll iz well la~~

tadi pagi tyme nak pi exam memang momen yang paling best mengalahkan mo'men , kuar rumah agak lambat atas sebab2 yang tak mampu dielakkan..T_T so, seperti biasa..harus mendapatkan pakcik teksi..dan seperti biase..perlu berjalan ke port2 yang sesuai ntok tahan teksi..perjalanan yang biasenye sangat biase dan boring, hari ni jadi sangat advanterous dan seronok plak! ..dengan hujan mencurah2 ke ladang gandum , mujurla hujan batu da abes time tu. tapi agak seronok r..pasal da lame tak main hujan. belari2 tahap kanak2 riang..macam baru abes exam je(fact: time tu belom exam lagi).angin da la tersangat kuat.hampir2 nak terbang tadi tapi plankton berat,mane boleh terbang.mentang2 kitorang pakai baju belon tadi..he3..actually kitorang pakai baju belon bukan sebab nak tahan sejuk (temperature 10'c..tak de la sejuk mane pon kan)..tapi nak kasi kalis air.tapi yang protected -nye baju je la...sampai2 kat dewan exam, (of coz la nek teksi).. basah la jugak.. dari knee sampai foot..sejuk kau!! da la pas tu ade practical anatomy, so memang tak de chance nak tukar kasut..seluar etc..bertahan je la..balik je kelas jalan laju2..sampai rumah..memang lega~tapi still sangat sejuk la..terasa best plak klo blh lepak kat sauna..

ok..dah..tak leh lepak lame2..
ade exam yang berderet lagi pas ni..

status: author currently heading towards kitchen..smells something good?:) ok u better make an appointment with ur neurologist.. [fyi, i'm a bad cook T_T ]

Thursday, December 9, 2010

this fruit based not-so-smart device really eaten up my time..u heart less fruit..ha3

Monday, December 6, 2010

errr xde pape pon...just vid ni dalam must see list aku..saje taruk kat blog takut lupe plak..skrg exam..xsmpat tengok..:)

Thursday, December 2, 2010

:: best quote by best movie ever ::

salam ollz..
korang ade movie yang korang suke gile2..
sampaikan tengok banyak2 kali pon tak muak punyer..

mesti ada kann..

IP pon ade jugak..
movie yang IP rase the best of the best,
the cream of the puff (ha3..cream puff..i loike..*tetibe* =,=") crop!
this movie..
yang IP tgk since 2006..
ulang banyak2 kali..
da 4 tahun rupenye..
tapi still tak boring..ho2

Pursuit of Happyness

this movie is really an awesome movie…
Quotes were good +++ the acting too is superb..

some of the quote that i like...

Martin Frohm:What would you say if man walked in here with no shirt, and I hired him? What would you say?
Christopher Gardner: He must have had on some really nice pants.

this one..the best ever!>>>
Chris Gardner: Don't ever let someone tell you, you can't do something. Not even me. You got a dream, you got to protect it. People can’t do something themselves, they want to tell you you can’t do it. You want something, go get it. Period. All right?
Christopher: All right.

this one also>>
Can I say something? Um, I'm the type of person that if you ask me a question and I don't know the answer, I'm gonna tell you that I don't know. But I bet you what, I know how to find the answer and I will find the answer.

Hey dad, you wanna hear something funny? There was a man who was drowning, and a boat came, and the man on the boat said "Do you need help?" and the man said "No thanks, God will save me". Then another boat came and he tried to help him, but he said "No thanks, God will save me", then he drowned and went to Heaven. Then the man told God, "God, why didn't you save me?" and God said "I sent you two big boats, you dummy!"

Chris Gardner: Probably means there's a good chance. Possibly means we might or we might not.
Christopher: Okay.
Chris Gardner: So, what does probably mean?
Christopher: It means we have a good chance.
Chris Gardner: And what does possibly mean?
Christopher: I know what it means! It means we're not going to the game

and lots more..
hmm wish there's lots more great movie produced!!

p/s: tadi terbaca post ni .. "nak tau jantina laptop anda"..n the result lappy pompuan..kecewa..T_T ha3

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

exam alert

1 week to go *roughly* 

sedar2 la IP
